Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 30: The End!

This is it! 30 day Blog challenge finished! The assignment, a picture of me today and the 3 things I took away from this month:)
1.  I CAN stick to a schedule(for 30 days at least). I did not skip any of the assignments, and did not miss a day.
2.  I am setting goals..and keeping them, blog a day, routine exercise, weight watchers.
3.  Family and Friends are what keep me moving and motivated.  I want to be a happier me for the kids and my husband, and a better friend to those I am lucky to call mine, by remembering the shared past, the silly tomorrows.
 and finally a picture of me...this is my new hibiscus plant for the yard (and for inside during winter months I hope!)

Next 30 day challenge:)

I am not going to do another 30 day challenge right now...but this is my list for the next one. Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts. Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for awhile. Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show. Day 04 - A picture of your night. Day 05 - A picture of… your favorite memory. Day 06 - A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day. Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item. Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh. Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most. Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most screwed up things with. Day 11 - A picture of something you hate. Day 12 - A picture of something you love. Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist. Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without. Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die. Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you. Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently. Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity. Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little. Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel. Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget. Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at. Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book. Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change. Day 25 - A picture of your day. Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you. Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member. Day 28 - A picture of something you’re afraid of. Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile. Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Weight Watcher Color of the week #4

This was an exciting week..4th weigh in, down 6 total pounds, and 12 inches from thighs, waist, chest, arms, hips as well as a dress size!!
SO todays color is a bit fresh a bit daring...Mint Dream..very pearly looking with green and blue tones!

Day 29: Something I will never get sick of

READING!!!! How could someone ever tire of that??? I mean I fall asleep reading all the time but I KNOW that a day has not gone by in my life without reading.  My parents were super patient, reading book after book when I was little.  So much so that I read before Kindergarten.  In 1st grade, Anne McNelis and I had read all the Little House on The Prairie books and I had discovered the joys of Ramona.  I read every fiction book in the Maplewood Library bu the time I was 11 (at least the interesting ones..) and the Librarian Mrs. Whaley, had the new books set aside for me so I could see them first.  I had hefty fines at times for losing books in my room..and for the fact that I never took out less than 12 books.  Our summer rule was outside playing or inside reading..I did outside reading, in the pool, on the swing set, in the lounge chairs, on the porch. My mother used to joke that we spent more money on books to get me ready for vacation than on the vacation itself..and it was one of the only times I ever got to go buy books..because if I did our house would have been overflowing..but library books do not go on vacation.  My degree is in English Literature, not for any grand idea, I mean I have worked for the Y since high school, but because I knew that anything else wouldn't have captured my imagination like studying books at all times! I read every night, at least 1 hr.  I used to plow through every book I chose, making sure I caught every word and phrase.  Now I read what I want, give a book 100 pages or sometimes 12 , either way I know there will be stacks and stacks left to get through.  my kindle is chock full of books I have not read, I have have audio books on there piling up..but I still go to the library 1 or 2 times a week to ensure I have a stack of books at my disposal.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 28: favorite (2) movies

I am a product of my time..I have 2 equally favorite movies "Some kind of Wonderful" and "Say Anything". Anytime I happen to glimpse either one I find myself sucked in and have to finish them out. And yes basically they are same movie... I love that Chuck Klosterman said that women who grew up in the 80's will always judge a man by Lloyd Dobler standards, so so so true! I quote lines from both movies all the time and wanted to be Watts for years. What a tough broad.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 27: 10 songs on shuffle

Todays Mision..Shuffle my Ipod. and list the first 10 songs:
1.  Bob Marley, Waiting in Vain
2.  The Ramones: Blitzkrieg Bop
3.  Cake: Arco Arena
4.  Chali 2NA: Comin'Thru
5. Men at Work, Snakes and Ladders
6. Glee Cast: Don't Rain on My Parade
7.  Kenny Rogers: Lucille
8. LL Cool J: Mama Said Knock You Out
9.  Zumba Fitness: Balla, Menea yGoza, Quebradita
10. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals: Oasis

Well that is ecclectic:)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 26: Me 5 Years ago

  Brady would have been8 months old 5 years ago.  Old enough to sleep, young enough to be held and talking naps and snuggling and all those bottles and diapers! Randy and I knew were were finished with babies after Brady was born so I decided it was time to get my body back into shape...sound familiar??  Here I am doing it again.  I started taking Christine's yoga class and Sue's Zumba classes at the Y..guess what was on the schedule today?  Yoga and perhaps Zumba (until Ryan got sick and now it is possible zumba and treadmill finished).  I had left the Monroe YMCA officially and started working at Maplewood a bit.  I would take Brady up to Grandma Cathy's room for an hour or two with another adult and work out, take a shower in peace and have a small sanity break. Mitchell would have been in 3rd grade, Ryan in 1st grade with Mrs Holleran. This was also the year I met and became friends with Liza!!! And you know I would have been lost without her.  Randy was just about to leave the Y and start at Micahels (would have been July ) and my sister moved away from Rochester to Houston about 8 months before..which was a big huge difference for me. Other than that we lived in the same house, the Y was part of my everyday.  I didn't have etsy in my world yet so I was a stay at home mommy trying to make the best of my world!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 25: something I miss

I miss college. Not the actual staying up late, partying bit(although that was fun) I miss the chance to learn something new everyday. Education truly is wasted on the young. I would love to take 2 hours each day and be told new facts, learn about other cultures, other places. Read something that might be too challenging on my own, have people to discuss it with. I am not missing the grades, exams, papers, hours of studying. Just the sense of listening to a,professor tell me what they know, and adding to that discussion. 15 years ago today I graduated from Nazareth College. Mothers day in a huge white tent..and it snowed. My relatives from Texas and Georgia were Freezing. I was huddled next to two people I did not know hoping to stay warm! I remember listening to the dean and hearing this is in my head, I am now an adult. I have a piece of paper that says I am done with school. Set me free. now I just want to go back..savor those moments where my only job was to,listen, absorb and do well.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 24:What is in My Purse

Well what's in my purse...wallet, keys(hopefully), 7 chapsticks, lotion,fissures, a bazillion crumpled pieces of paper, my wine tasting notebook, 2 pair of earrings, my headphones, iPod arm band, mints, pill container from my Great Great Aunt Blanche with naproxen, Bendeyl and Xanax, business card wallet, an I hook, a notebook. Sounds like it is time to clean it out!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 23: 20 facts about me

1. I own more yarn than I will ever be able to use 2. I will read just about anything..with the exception of westerns and finance 3. I am a bit of shoe addict..but they are all clumpy frumpy shoes, not towering heels 4. I love thrift shopping 5. I will only sing in the car, loudly, by myself 6. Green, brown and purple are my favorite colors 7. I love the smell of gasoline 8. I often plan vacations around the new types of food I want to try or characters in a book/TV show I am interested in 9. I love art..but see my work as craft 10. I get very excited about planning, planting my garden..but by August I am usually sick of it. 11. I am a terrible housekeeper, I would rather read, crochet, or just about anything 12. I hate bananas...and most other fruit 13. I have a goal to swim in all oceans...well maybe not the Artic 14. When I think of my favorite place on earth, I see Tybee Island Ga 15. I really crave quiet alone time 16. The best way to spend a summer day, is on the dock at the lake with a book, a coke and the sounds of my 3 kids splashing, swimming and laughing 17. I don't read the newspaper or watch the news 18. I could eat fancy cheese, chocolate and crusty bread all day long 19. The best Part of my marriage is that my husband makes me laugh everyday, and that when he finally climbs into bed I know that it is just us for a few hours, even if I have been asleep for hours. 20. I would love it if the magic in my books existed. I would so go to Hogwarts or Brakebills.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 22: Bullet of my day

- 5:00 am woke to the frantic complaints of Brady in his bed. he fell asleep with my robe on, ended up so tangled he couldn't move his arms...needless to say this was out wake up call

-6:30 left to take Mitchell to his school for his 8th Grade trip to tears

-7:15 entered the massive Pittsford Wegmans..for 12 things...left 1 hr later.  Saw truffles that sell for $999.00 a POUND..amazing.there was a cheese that cost more than my $60 bill.
just the front part

-8:15 left the crazy and stopped being distracted by all the shiny things

-8:30 unloaded bags, changed into run gear

-9:30 -10:30 went to henpeck park for my FIRST outdoor run along the canal
10:30 finished run..super happy..but I was the color of my jacket....and soaking wet:

10:30-12:00 Michaels for scrap booking stickers for Moms card and a Hi to Randy, Target for cleaning items, dinner (hamburgers..93%)

12:00 Lunch...2 spicy shrimp summer rolls, and 1 piece of marathon bread(10 points)

12-1 computer time/card for mom (signed her and Mitchell and Ryan up for Family Adventure day at Camp Stella Maris)

1:00 shower

1:30-2:30 Nurse Jackie/The Big C catch up while working on an art scarf for Shirley

2:55 bus here

3-4:30talked to kids about day/snack/homework

4:30-5 listed new items on etsy

5:00 Blog time/dinner prep

5:45 Randy home

6:15 dinner (hamburgers, homemade baked fries)

7:00-8:00 yoga...perhaps...feeling a little sore from run..will it help or will it hurt? OR bath bed for Brady

8:30 Convince Ry to go to bed

8:30 Climb into bed myself to read Labor Day, Joyce Maynard

10:00 ASLEEP!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 21: Something That Makes Me Happy

Today was Muffins With Mom at Brady's Kindergarten. We had muffins served to us by our little kiddos and juice as well.  Brady was so excited when I walked in.  His entire face lit up in the way only a 5 year olds can.  We sat and talked about how they had gotten everything set up.  Brady's friend Rahmel 's mom had to work so Brady old him he would share me.  My heart was a mushy mess after this.  When the kids went up to get the juice and the muffins, Brady allowed his friend to get my juice and he brought me a blueberry muffin"because he knew I hated bananas"Big hugs from the kids followed up with this Mothers Day Craft.  I am not sure ANYTHING could make me happier.

Weight Watcher Color of the Week#3

Smaller loss this week. Lost .6 pound..which is OK seeing as how my period is right around the corner..TMI I know:) This week the color is Bite The Bullet..and I think I picked it more for the name than the color.  I need to REALLY focus this week..periods are such a magical time anyways..yea right! SO I am glad there are no chips, no candy no icecream (other than weight watchers ice cream bars) in the house...and I need to remmebr to still EAT right..not go for hours without anything...I did lose another 2.5 inches as well TRACK TRACK TRACK those food values..will be my mantra!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 20: The Meaning Behind My BlogName

Ummmm...pretty self explanatory. Duncan creative is my etsy shop name, and my Facebook page...this is a spot to talk about more than just crochet....books, cooking, kids, family, diet. Not much more to it than that!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 19: A Picture Of Me

I do not like having my picture taken.  I never really have..except as a little kid and most of those I have my eyes crossed or tongue out.  I do like most of the downcast eye pics.  This one is from our Wii Resort Party a few years ago...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 18: Something I Crave

One thing comes to mind..Coke in a Can many memories go with coke in a can ...beach trips, airplane rides, early morning lifeguard shifts. I try really really hard not to drink Coke and I will not buy it in a can most of the would be too tempting to drink it everyday. There is no better headache cure in my opinion, a rush of sugar, a healthy dose of caffeine, paired with 2 Excedrin...see it is medicinal!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 17: Celebrity Crush

There have been many celeb crushes over the years..From Han Solo to Indiana Jones (they really are different), River Pheonix, Christian Slater, Mc Dreamy, to my current love..although it may just be the sayings of the Hey Girl community...Ryan Gosling

Friday, May 4, 2012

Weight Watcher Color of the Week (Week2)

Lost another 2 well as 5.5 inches off my body!! Waist, hips, thighs, arms...all lost inches this week!
Color of the week:
I need a Refresh-Mint

Day 16: A picture of my Family

Samantha Rae Photography took some really fun pictures of my family this fall and this is one of my all time favorites:

halfway done with the blog a day!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 15: What I need to Leave the house

purse, wallet, inhaler, waterbottle, sunglasses, out to car..shit forgot...list, back out to car...shit forgot to get a bag...back out to car...realize I forgot kidding, happens weekly.Obviously, a little more brain power would help to get me moving.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day14: TV Obsession

I have so many shows I "watch" aaka"listen to" while I am crocheting....but the ones I absolutly do not miss right now are:

and of course all of these shows play at the same time on Sunday night (add in Nurse Jackie and The Big C and you have my weekly TV viewing..also all on Sunday nights!)

While I am working, I have been watching the 1997 series OZ..I wonder how I missed this when it was out the first time! Probably did not have cable then.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day13: My Favorite Band

Yea this is not going to happen..I cannot pick one.  There are so many types of music, so many moods to be in when listening to music.  I am not all that eclectic.  I mainly listen to alternative/new wave from the 80s and 90s but there are a bunch of new bands also that I like, (Grace Potter, Florence and the Machine, Michael Franti...).  In no way would I have thought 20 years ago I would listen to any mainstream music..but thanks to the kids I can pick out Katy Perry or Pitbull out of a musical lineup.  I never would have thought I would work out to the music of my high school peers, especially since I so avidly and loudly dissed their tastes. There are bands I will never ever be sick of, The Talking Heads, The Clash, The Smiths, The Ramones as well as soulful women Like Sinead O'Conner, Natalie Merchant, The Cowboys Junkies, Concrete Blonde. 

There is, however, a band I will NEVER EVER LIKE...Queen.