Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Mitchell is heading into 8th grade midterms next week and Ryan has his first 6th grade Midterm on Friday.  This means this momma has to have her game on.  The melt downs, arguments, stress levels rise exponentially around here.  I have to be the best calmest mom on the block to get us through this.  Yes hours of going over review sheets in bad handwriting, yes reminders to bring  home ALL the materials needed, yuppers the constant nagging to get it done..all go without saying. However this is behind the scenes magic the kids will never realize.  This mom makes super nutritious and yummy dinners to help with the hours of studying..and procrastinating going on.  Snacks must be thought out prior to their running through the door...or procrastination will be ahead of me.  Paper, pencils, index cards readily available.  Bedrooms neat and clutter free.  CALM zen like mom..might have to be attained through pharmaceuticals.

Snack today: chocolate chip cookie bars and milk..good old fashioned love in a pan
Dinner: Already simmering in the crockpot Old Fashioned Beef and Noodle soup
Both visible as they walk in so no arguments about what is for dinner.
Wish me luck

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