Friday, February 1, 2013

Weekly Roundup Feb 1

Here I am rounding up all the pins and projects and books from the last couple of weeks.  I have to confess I have fallen off the weight watcher wagon so to speak.  I was sick and lazy for a few weeks which kind of unspooled all my ambition. I also go to thinking about what about this is important to me. I think health is the most important aspect of eating a good I will continue with that but the counting, the weighing, the obsessive nature of the rest of it I have to let go. I like myself the way I am, mostly. I fit in the size clothes I can be in comfortably and have been in for years. I am not my biggest size, I was 18, and I am not my smallest 8 size either..right in the middle 12 and 12 is Ok for me for now. So enough about that for now!
Pinning time
Buffalo chicken Enchiladas : This was iffy...Randy loved it, Mitchell thought it was Ok, I was indifferent. Brady and Ryan said pass on it...a little too different from our regular enchiladas for everyones taste.
Pizza Bread: This is a staple in our house!
I have been on a bread kick the last few days :
but the best by far was this Cinnamon Walnut bread!
For the Home:
A beautiful smell in our house...however I had too much going on, laundry and cleaning wise so I fogot to monitor the amount of water in the pot first and ended up burnign this..not as nice of a smell!
Crochet: I have been making a GIANT granny square but I did start a new bpinterest board for inspiration called blankies
but here is the start of mine;
Books I have been on a YA kick still. Read 11 books in January all YA other than 2. Trying to ween myself off of the paranormal for just a bit to read something with a little more substance, but have you noticed books with substance have a way of making you cry, think or become angry? YA paranormal just deadens the mind and sometimes a mom just needs some down time! Here is what I am currently reading:

See you next week for the Roundup!

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