Saturday, June 2, 2012

Blogging Needs a Focus

OK I am one of those bloggers who needs a focus I guess..Did so great on the 30 day challenge,...and have not blogged since! So what the heck have I been up to?  I didn't even do my Weight Watcher color of the week:
Weight Watchers..lost 10 pounds total! week I had a gain, this week lost 3.6...So I went for a pedicure instead of doing it was time..these darn flip flops are killing my feet. !
We went to the Lake to celebrate Memorial day and my Dads birthday...and I ended up sick sick sick for a day in between..but the boats and the docks are in..which makes for a happy family

Work wise: making a bazillion play food items, I have my seasonal summer cotton items in a local gallery and sold something within the first 10 hrs there! I also have been trying my hand at making more large scale afghan, a crochet coral reef stool, a shawl and I attempted to make a tunic vest thing that I have been admiring for awhile..yea not so turned it into an addition to the light post in front of our house.  

SO I have been busy..just not blogging..but all that is about to change with the bog of the day PART 2!!

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