Wednesday, June 20, 2012


A picture of me doing some thing wierd but funny and a picture of me and my friends being silly. 

well this is just plain crazy. I never do anything weird or silly or odd and I definitly dont have any weird or silly friends..or maybe I just burn the evidence ....

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 3: Type with your elbow

this one makes me laugh...

oi  a.L;DEWES3Dasdwt6 rftty[p;-sewd naSSWA

THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY " I already type bad"

I guess I would be worse without my fingers....

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 2: write whatever comes not your head(5 minutes worth)

Ohhhhh ummmmm tired, still need to put away the dinner stuff, birds still are making thier racket, want a cookie, or is it cookies, and a glass of wine. Brady needs to zonk out before me so I can muster enough momentum to go back downstairs to watch the killing finale and then cuddle up and watch true blood. Will I really be able to not work this week like I promised myself? Brownies made for cup school, check, Brady teaxhers gifts, check, ry wanted to take the bus to school rather than having a ride in ..that's weird to me. Thank god I hear randy taking out the garbage cans to the curb becuase they are horrid. Which was also the state of the veg Bin the fridge I cleaned writing all the random junk that pops into my head is not very exciting..probably because I am wittier with wine andi really want a glass...and Brady is tricking me with his silence but when I stir to look in he is chatting with his stuffed animals..the pool has its cover on it right? Why are there still little kids outside at 8 on a school night...and I need to throw in a load of laundry...and I need to remember to bring my book in from the porch. Ok I am NEVER writing my random mess ofthoughtsmout,..spastic crazy momma is probably supposed to be locked in my mind only:)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Picture of something I hate:

bullying...i hate it..loathe it,am disgusted by it, intolerant of it. by boys, by girls, by texts, by adults, in pictures, words, actions..all of it. stop this shit.

50 day challenge List: I DARE you!

50 day blog challange..OH boy here we go again! I will not write on my blog unless I have an assigment.  Otherwise it is like a big rambling of unfocused junk. This blog challenge had some differnt things than the last so I am giving it a shot....anyone else want in???  Here is the list:


  1. A picture of something you hate.
  2. Write whatever it is in your head right now.
  3. Write with your elbow.
  4. A picture of you doing something weird but funny.
  5. A picture of your friends being silly.
  6. Write a paragraph to somebody - it could be anybody you want, even someone you haven’t met yet.
  7. Write something deep.
  8. Write something stupid.
  9. Post an audio of yourself talking some random.
  10. Post a song that you can’t stand.
  11. Post a song that you used to love.
  12. Post a picture of you smiling.
  13. Put 10 things you want to do in the year.
  14. 9 reasons to love you.
  15. 8 reasons to hate you.
  16. 7 things you have in your bed.
  17. 6 things you can’t live without.
  18. A picture of the thing you love the most.
  19. A picture of the person you love the most.
  20. Pour your heart out in two paragraphs.
  21. Your favorite book and why?
  22. 5 movies you recommend.
  23. 4 ways to win your heart.
  24. 2 pictures of you - one doing a funny face the other one being serious.
  25. How you see yourself by the end of your year
  26. Do you believe in love at first sight - why?
  27. A song that makes you cry.
  28. 1 thing you want to do before you die.
  29. Favorite type of music.
  30. To go to a party or to stay home - why?
  31. Give 15 tips to your followers to get through life.
  32. The worst thing that has ever happened to you.
  33. A picture of the happiest moment of your life - if you don’t have, explain that moment.
  34. Favorite store in the whole planet.
  35. Are you bored of this challenge? yes no, why?
  36. Favorite tweet.
  37. Favorite tumblr post you have ever seen.
  38. A picture of your family, are you close to them, yes, no?
  39. Write a letter to your future husband - wife.
  40. Best experience you have ever had - the one that you have learn the most of.
  41. Favorite trailer.
  42. Favorite planet of earth.
  43. Recommend 10 blogs to follow.
  44. Recommend 5 songs.
  45. Recommend 8 books.
  46. Recommend 2 websites.
  47. Write a paragraph to your followers.
  48. Post a picture of you, 3 facts.
  49. Talk about the most awkward moment in your life.
  50. Do a list with ALL the things you want to do before you die - ALL OF THEM!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Blogging Needs a Focus

OK I am one of those bloggers who needs a focus I guess..Did so great on the 30 day challenge,...and have not blogged since! So what the heck have I been up to?  I didn't even do my Weight Watcher color of the week:
Weight Watchers..lost 10 pounds total! week I had a gain, this week lost 3.6...So I went for a pedicure instead of doing it was time..these darn flip flops are killing my feet. !
We went to the Lake to celebrate Memorial day and my Dads birthday...and I ended up sick sick sick for a day in between..but the boats and the docks are in..which makes for a happy family

Work wise: making a bazillion play food items, I have my seasonal summer cotton items in a local gallery and sold something within the first 10 hrs there! I also have been trying my hand at making more large scale afghan, a crochet coral reef stool, a shawl and I attempted to make a tunic vest thing that I have been admiring for awhile..yea not so turned it into an addition to the light post in front of our house.  

SO I have been busy..just not blogging..but all that is about to change with the bog of the day PART 2!!